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  • Share Scoops Stakeholders Update - July 2021

Share Scoops Stakeholders Update - July 2021

Inside Scoop: Updates on Share Scoops for our supporters

Friends & Mentors,

I'm excited to provide an update on

to the growing number of you who have provided guidance, made referrals, or expressed interest in following our progress. I'm so grateful for your support!

As you may know, Share Scoops is on a mission to change the narrative on investing by engaging more people in the corporate and financial world and galvanizing public opinion on businesses' social and environmental impacts. It's time for everyone to feel informed and empowered to have opinions on how corporations impact our world and our future. 


  • I'm proud to share that our budding company has made it to the final 12 graduating companies (out of almost 50) in the 14-week Founder Institute startup accelerator. The program has provided me with an incomparable network of mentors and pushed me to prove the viability of the Share Scoops business. 

  • Our Share Scoops user community continues to grow and strengthen. From our social following of 24,000, we've built an engaged beta testing unit of over 400 subscribers reading and voting in our daily scoops. They're reading more frequently and voting on more buttons per story each week.

  • Within our beta testing community, 236 users were excited enough to volunteer for 1-on-1 verbal feedback sessions with me. The results have been both validating and constructive for our next build.

  • In addition to our amazing engineer, we've welcomed our first intern to the team this month.


  • Talented designers are helping us turn the feedback of the 150+ user feedback interviews of the last four weeks into a mobile app prototype and redesign of our website experience.

  • This week, we're testing our first revenuesource. We've secured co-marketing partnerships with two investment platforms that will be paying us to generate leads for investment accounts. Our content and voting process helps our users build confidence to start investing, and we'll be delivering the investment platform recommendations they're asking for. We'll be evolving these relationships as we build out our passionate and devoted audience.

More to come...

  • We'll begin gathering feedback on our mobile app prototype later this month. Look out for a chance to beta test! 

  • Our Founders Institute graduation will be an excellent launching point for our initial investment round. We'll be raising capital by the end of the summer to scale our platform and capture the momentum of our community.

  • After testing out our initial co-marketing process, we'll launch our first philanthropic partnership, engaging our users to start investing while simultaneously making an impact.

  • Our mission continues to attract passionate people looking to create a more inclusive and sustainable economy. We have daily conversations with experts in media and finance, particularly those with experience in environmental and social justice. I hope to broaden the perspectives embedded in our mission and deliver quality content that contextualizes the full spectrum of impact on people, planet, and profit from every corporate action. If you know of passionate people in these fields interested in participating or advising, please connect us

Thank you for supporting this journey to improve financial literacy and corporate responsibility. If you're not subscribed to our beta testing mailing list,

! Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or feedback. We'd love to hear from you.

We're going to change the world, and we're just getting started.



Augustus Christensen | FounderShare Scoops, Inc.www.sharescoops.com[email protected]


or to participate.